Today I woke up at like 5AM and I don't know why... I think it may ahve been goign to bed at 10PM so I'm goign to try and stay up until midnight tonight. We're going to go out and do some night drawings later!
Once 9AM rolled around we headed to our Orientation at La Scuola Internationale Della Graphica. It was cool, but I don't know anything about printing, I'm curious to see how this turns out. Later was bookmaking and we started by making covers for sketch books we are going to bind for tomorrow using a Criptic Binding technique.
But the REAL fun began this even because at 6:30 there was an art Opening at the Guggenhiem! That's right THE Guggenheim and I went!
We even had to wait in line to get in! I felt super special. Once we got in there was a DJ, drinks, and Ea'douvears to taken in
(while they lasted peopel were grabbign them left and right). I know, I know...I came to Venice to eat jalapeno poppers and tuna? Psh whatever it was delish. At least
I weas like those crazy Italians that once a new tray of pork sandwiches that the cateres were carrying over their heads to
the table. The Italians started jumping up grabbign them right form the tray! HA! I Was laughing so hard. Then these Italians infront of me were laughing too and turned to me and commented about the specticle we both just witnessed in Italian. I of course
had no clue what they were saying so I just laughed and nodded.
jealousssssssss!!! :)