There was no use writing the day number. since it's the last night here. I leave tomorrow. And I will probably write a reflection of my time in Venice as I sit on the plane tomorrow. So until then the last of the art shows I went to:
The Biennale: Giardini
For those who don't know this is the large over all show held in two parts. The firstI went to was the Giardini. This was may favorite of the two (The other being Arsenale which I'll talk about later in this post). There was the over all exhibition first which was amazing. With some really cool installations that really redefine the space. Which is some of my favorite contemporary pieces because of how it mentally and physically affects the viewer and how they percieve the space. If art makes you look at something differently it gets a gold star in my book. Some of the high lights amungst the main pavilion:
Plus it was fun to navigate

A light and shadow piece. So beautiful and playful and simple the ever changing composition was captivating I only wish I had thought of it.
There were a cou[ple of these painting/collage pieces. I loved this one, maybe the concept of marionettes captivates me but I just liked it no other justification.

Eygpt: This was a medium one for me. The art was particularly provoking, but the simplicity of the sculptures against how difficult a task it would be to weave something that large was still beautiful. It also reminded me much of the papyrus tradition of Eygpt (possibly just my ignorance ot culture there is probably so much more I don't know) reminded me a lot of the culture. It was enjoyable all in all.
A Creepy sudo Eden a changed look at Paradise Paired with two strange yet meticulously detialed claymation videos where curruption and sex was a the be falling of all in the eden. And While being surrounded by the large flower you to were taken into this strange seemingly paradise like world.
This was a beautiful sculpture. Strips of Film were rollign through a series of wheels rotating up to create a double helix feeding to a project to play a movie on a screen . Amazing use of space and both the video medium along side the object that displays the art! All I have to say is way to think outside of the box! PResentation is always important.
I know I've trashed Yoko Ono beacuse I've always believed she was a crazy. I've heard some seriously biassed opinions and one good opinion. And now ThatI have seen some of her art all I can say is she is a great conceptual artist!
This piece in paritcular is my fav. She also has a series of bells hooked to a button that sad push me. If you pushed it aroudn the corner 10-15 bells would go off obnoxiously frightening the person who would otherwise not notice thier presence. Brava!
A room of cameras
the would project different words on different walls uniformly creating sentences of thoughts on the owlrd and art, but they flashed quickly which I didn't mid because I feel like thought do come and go quickly and to properly express them all clearly if difficult. The artist expressed them and showed and shared this struggle at the same time. Equally sharing how he sees the world with you.
Spain: Not bad... Interesting use of medium, but nothing wowing. The paintings were so tactile with e the way paper was added to create texture, negative, and positive space makign it almost sculptural. And the sculptures themselves were interesting, but seemed almsot arbitray they way it was concieved.
Russia: This exhibit was SUPER TIGHT! One of my favorites. Victory over future was the theme and every detial was thought out down to how the buildign was layed out (the victory half was literally over the future part and stood as seperate entities!) Each piece worked spereately and together. And evoked many emotions culminating to one result within the viewer depending on how they see the theme. IF that makes sense. Personally I love winning so enterign a room the simulate cheering and gradual excitement at your presence made me so excited and then when it all disappear in an instant I was kind of sad. The Future was weird and strange, but fun and exciting. In a way I see Sci-fi films and kind of hope the future will be even though I may never see it be.
Hungry: So powerful and moving. A great use of science, culture and history to culminate art. This show was about a very dark past in Hungry where in World War II the jews in the prison camps were examined to prove they were a lesser human. So By using video art to view the human profile and face mug shots and seemingly scientific raw data photos that were typical of these experiements became life like and re-humanized them.
America: Not a fav of mine though I figure since much of my audience is American you want to know. The artist that was representing America was Bruce Nauman. Someone I had previously not heard of, but a coupleo f the people on the trip were alrge fans up. So maybe I was disappointed due ot my high expectations, but really I felt like it was just crap thrown together or just overly simple humor. Not my style, but not every person is going to liek the same art so I will leave to say experience it for yourself. I have no photos this was the only pavilion photos were not allowed due to a deal the Philadelphia Museum the art is typically displayed. He is the current hot this so I say sieze the opportunity.
Belgium: This artist choose a couple streets in major cities in countries and drew seemingly scientific drawings of the plants along side photos of the street and dried pressed versions of the plants. There were also beautiuflly simple line drawings that combined sexuality fo the flower with female sexuality that I was simply in love with.
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